“The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment.” -Eckhart Tolle

As 2020 comes to a close, there are some people who can’t wait for it to be over. Are you in this group? What happened to the most wonderful time of the year? ‘Tis the season to be jolly?
Good news – we all have the power to choose how we view today, and where we are right now.
I believe this starts the very moment we wake up every day. What is the first thought you have? When I started being thankful when I woke up for the opportunity to start a new day, things changed for me. My attitude and mindset started to improve. It didn’t happen right away, and of course, some days were better than others. This is something I’m still working on and probably always will. It takes intentional work and discipline, but it is worth it.
While gratitude is a great starting point, our values and beliefs drive our thoughts and actions. If I believe in God, myself, my family, my friends, my community, and the work I do, it helps me put my very best into whatever I’m doing. Even into what we might consider small, menial tasks. Instead of loathing household chores, what if we were so present we could find a way to do them with excellence?
Alabama football coach Nick Saban tells his players, “Be where your feet are.” Think about the power and truth in that statement. The greatest athletes who perform at the highest levels are able to do this, seemingly with ease. Leaders in the business marketplace are the same way. The ability to focus on our sport, our work or our chores and remove distractions can make any task, and life overall, more enjoyable.
There are so many distractions today. What is distracting you? The first step is awareness. Write it down in a journal, tell a friend, or just shout it out loud in the car by yourself. Whatever the distraction might be, don’t let it steal your joy. Life is too short. We only get one shot at this. Every day is a gift, that’s why they call it the present.